Latest Episodes

Executives, There's No Such Thing as "Not Part of the Interview" | The Job Search Podcast
Trick question: There's no such thing as "not part of the interview." When you're being interviewed, every bit of what is asked and answered...

Cut the Clutter in Your Executive Resume | The Job Search Podcast
Cut the clutter and stop boring your audience. The people who read your resume and cover letter want to know what you did, and...

Job Seekers Succeed for One Simple Reason | The Job Search Podcast
Job seekers succeed for one simple reason. This tactic is the best way to learn about new positions. Even though it may sound intimidating,...

Is Your Executive Job Search Taking Too Long? | The Job Search Podcast
There are signs that indicate if you're wasting your time on your executive job search, and signs that you just need to continue what...

Keyword Strategy For Your LinkedIn Profile | The Job Search Podcast
Do you know how to choose the right keywords for your LinkedIn profile? For what do you want to be known? What executive job...

Basic Resume Sections that Matter to Hiring Executives | The Job Search Podcast
Since your executive resume represents you, make sure that everything you put in it describes your professionalism and experience while appealing to your intended...